Tuesday, 9/21/2021

Time and date are based on timezone Europe/Berlin.
Opening: Welcome to UbiComp/ISWC 2021
Keynote: Emotion, Social Robots, and a New Human-Robot Relationship
Accessibility - A
17:00 It Didn’t Sound Good with My Cochlear Implants: Understanding the Challenges of Using Smart Assistants for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Users
17:06 AiSee: An Assistive Wearable Device to Support Visually Impaired Grocery Shoppers
17:12 Acoussist: An Acoustic Assisting Tool for People with Visual Impairments to Cross Uncontrolled Streets
17:18 Q&A Session for the first 3 papers
17:30 Teaching American Sign Language in Mixed Reality
17:36 NeckFace: Continuously Tracking Full Facial Expressions on Neck-mounted Wearables
17:42 Toward User-Driven Sound Recognizer Personalization with People Who Are d/Deaf or Hard of Hearing
17:48 Q&A Session for the last 3 papers
Acoustic Sensing I - A
17:00 Ok Google, What Am I Doing? Acoustic Activity Recognition Bounded by Conversational Assistant Interactions
17:06 EarDynamic: An Ear Canal Deformation Based Continuous User Authentication Using In-Ear Wearables
17:12 Acoustic-based Upper Facial Action Recognition for Smart Eyewear
17:18 Q&A Session for the first 3 papers
17:30 BreathTrack: Detecting Regular Breathing Phases from Unannotated Acoustic Data Captured by a Smartphone
17:36 Audio-Based Onset Detection applied to Chewing Cycle Segmentation
17:42 Move like the music: posture and gesture detection in loose garments using theremin
17:48 Q&A Session for the last 3 papers
Emotion & Mental Wellbeing - A
17:00 Automated Detection of Stressful Conversations Using Wearable Physiological and Inertial Sensors
17:06 Evaluating the Reproducibility of Physiological Stress Detection Models
17:12 Mobile Mood Tracking: An Investigation of Concise and Adaptive Measurement Instruments
17:18 Q&A Session for the first 3 papers
17:30 The Design and Evaluation of a Mobile System for Rapid Diagnostic Test Interpretation
17:36 WiStress: Contactless Stress Monitoring using Wireless Signals
17:42 The Empathetic Car: Exploring Emotion Inference via Driver Behaviour and Traffic Context
17:48 Q&A Session for the last 3 papers
Driving and Transportation - A
17:00 D3P: Data-driven Demand Prediction for Fast Expanding Electric Vehicle Sharing Systems
17:06 Understanding User Behavior in Car Sharing Services Through The Lens of Mobility: Mixing Qualitative and Quantitative Studies
17:12 D2Park: Diversified Demand-aware On-street Parking Guidance
17:18 Q&A Session for the first 3 papers
17:30 Ride Substitution Using Electric Bike Sharing: Feasibility, Cost, and Carbon Analysis
17:36 A City-Wide Crowdsourcing Delivery System with Reinforcement Learning
17:42 DriverSonar: Fine-Grained Dangerous Driving Detection Using Active Sonar
17:48 Q&A Session for the last 3 papers
RF Sensing - A
18:00 Liquid Level Sensing Using Commodity WiFi in a Smart Home Environment
18:06 SquiggleMilli: Approximating SAR Imaging on Mobile Millimeter-Wave Devices
18:12 RF Vital Sign Sensing Under Free Body Movement
18:18 Q&A Session for the first 3 papers
18:30 RF-ray: Joint RF and Linguistics Domain Learning for Object Recognition
18:36 FG-LiquID: A Contact-less Fine-grained Liquid Identifier by Pushing the Limits of Millimeter-wave Sensing
18:42 Pushing the Limits of Long Range Wireless Sensing with LoRa
18:48 Q&A Session for the last 3 papers
Acoustic Sensing II - A
18:00 DeepRange: Acoustic Ranging via Deep Learning
18:06 Listen2Cough: Leveraging End-to-End Deep Learning Cough Detection Model to Enhance Lung Health Assessment Using Passively Sensed Audio
18:12 We Hear Your PACE: Passive Acoustic Localization of Multiple Walking Persons
18:18 Q&A Session for the first 3 papers
18:30 BlinkListener: “Listen” to Your Eye Blink Using Your Smartphone
18:36 Fall Detection via Inaudible Acoustic Sensing
18:42 EchoSpot: Spotting Your Locations via Acoustic Sensing
18:48 Q&A Session for the last 3 papers
Cognition and Human Behavior - A
18:00 Assessing Cognitive Performance Using Physiological and Facial Features: Generalizing Across Contexts
18:06 Mapping and Taking Stock of the Personal Informatics Literature
18:12 GAME: Game As a Measurement Environment - Scheme to Evaluate Interfaces and Game Contents Based on Test Theories
18:18 Q&A Session for the first 3 papers
18:30 When Do Drivers Interact with In-VehicleWell-being Interventions? An Exploratory Analysis of a Longitudinal Study on Public Roads
18:36 Objective Measures of Cognitive Load Using Deep Multi-Modal Learning — A Use-Case in Aviation
18:42 Examining the Social Context of Alcohol Drinking in Young Adults with Smartphone Sensing
18:48 Q&A Session for the last 3 papers
Body Movement & Motor skills - A
18:00 The Effect of Goal Moderation on the Achievement and Satisfaction of Physical Activity Goals
18:06 Investigating Retention in Passive Haptic Learning of Piano Songs
18:12 LAX-Score: Quantifying Team Performance in Lacrosse and Exploring IMU Features towards Performance Enhancement
18:18 Q&A Session for the first 3 papers
18:30 SwingNet: Ubiquitous Fine-Grained Swing Tracking Framework via Stochastic Neural Architecture Search and Adversarial Learning
18:36 Assisting Motor Skill Transfer for Dance Students Using Wearable Feedback
18:42 Q&A Session for the last 2 papers
ISWC Gadgets & Briefs Minute Madness
19:00 Typing on Tap: Estimating a Finger-Worn One-Handed Chording Keyboard's Text Entry Rate
19:00 MOTUS: Rendering Emotions with a Wrist-worn Tactile Display
19:00 Wearability and Comfort of Earables During Sleep
19:00 WeakCounter: Acceleration-based Repetition Counting of Actions with Weakly Supervised Learning
19:00 Towards Automated Fatigue Assessment using Wearable Sensing and Mixed-Effects Models
19:00 Feedback of head gestures in audio-haptic remote communication
19:00 Estimating Upper Arm sEMG from Wrist PPG
19:00 RFInsole: Batteryless Gait-Monitoring Smart Insole Based on Passive RFID Tags
19:00 VIDENS: Vision-based User Identification from Inertial Sensors
19:00 A Transformer Architecture for Stress Detection from ECG
19:00 Person-identification Method using Active Acoustic Sensing Applied to Nose

Wednesday, 9/22/2021

Time and date are based on your timezone settings (Europe/Berlin).
Keynote (replay): Emotion, Social Robots, and a New Human-Robot Relationship
Accessibility - B
01:00 Teaching American Sign Language in Mixed Reality
01:06 NeckFace: Continuously Tracking Full Facial Expressions on Neck-mounted Wearables
01:12 Toward User-Driven Sound Recognizer Personalization with People Who Are d/Deaf or Hard of Hearing
01:18 Q&A Session for the first 3 papers
01:30 Enabling Real-time Sign Language Translation on Mobile Platforms with On-board Depth Cameras
01:36 LightGuide: Directing Visually Impaired People along a Path Using Light Cues
01:42 Q&A Session for the last 2 papers
Acoustic Sensing I - B
01:00 Your Smart Speaker Can “Hear” Your Heartbeat!
01:06 Ok Google, What Am I Doing? Acoustic Activity Recognition Bounded by Conversational Assistant Interactions
01:12 DronePrint: Acoustic Signatures for Open-set Drone Detection and Identification with Online Data
01:18 Q&A Session for the first 3 papers
01:30 EarDynamic: An Ear Canal Deformation Based Continuous User Authentication Using In-Ear Wearables
01:36 SonicASL: An Acoustic-based Sign Language Gesture Recognizer Using Earphones
01:42 BreathTrack: Detecting Regular Breathing Phases from Unannotated Acoustic Data Captured by a Smartphone
01:48 Q&A Session for the last 3 papers
Emotion & Mental Wellbeing - B
01:00 Automated Detection of Stressful Conversations Using Wearable Physiological and Inertial Sensors
01:06 Understanding User Contexts and Coping Strategies for Context-aware Phone Distraction Management System Design
01:12 Evaluating the Reproducibility of Physiological Stress Detection Models
01:18 Q&A Session for the first 3 papers
01:30 The Design and Evaluation of a Mobile System for Rapid Diagnostic Test Interpretation
01:36 WiStress: Contactless Stress Monitoring using Wireless Signals
01:42 Mindless Load Changer: A Method for Manipulating Load Perception by Feedback of Myoelectricity Sensor Information
01:48 Q&A Session for the last 3 papers
Driving and Transportation - B
01:00 Understanding User Behavior in Car Sharing Services Through The Lens of Mobility: Mixing Qualitative and Quantitative Studies
01:06 Efficient Schedule of Energy-Constrained UAV Using Crowdsourced Buses in Last-Mile Parcel Delivery
01:12 Ride Substitution Using Electric Bike Sharing: Feasibility, Cost, and Carbon Analysis
01:18 Q&A Session for the first 3 papers
01:30 DriverSonar: Fine-Grained Dangerous Driving Detection Using Active Sonar
01:36 ALWAES: Automatic Location-Aware Correction System for Online Delivery Platforms
01:42 Q&A Session for the last 2 papers
RF Sensing - B
02:00 Liquid Level Sensing Using Commodity WiFi in a Smart Home Environment
02:06 Relacks: Reliable Backscatter Communication in Indoor Environments
02:12 DropMonitor: Millimeter-level Sensing for RFID-based Infusion Drip Rate Monitoring
02:18 Q&A Session for the first 3 papers
02:30 Unlocking the Beamforming Potential of LoRa for Long-range Multi-target Respiration Sensing
02:36 SquiggleMilli: Approximating SAR Imaging on Mobile Millimeter-Wave Devices
02:42 Pushing the Limits of Long Range Wireless Sensing with LoRa
02:48 Q&A Session for the last 3 papers
Acoustic Sensing II - B
02:00 DeepRange: Acoustic Ranging via Deep Learning
02:06 Listen2Cough: Leveraging End-to-End Deep Learning Cough Detection Model to Enhance Lung Health Assessment Using Passively Sensed Audio
02:12 We Hear Your PACE: Passive Acoustic Localization of Multiple Walking Persons
02:18 Q&A Session for the first 3 papers
02:30 BlinkListener: “Listen” to Your Eye Blink Using Your Smartphone
02:36 Fall Detection via Inaudible Acoustic Sensing
02:42 EchoSpot: Spotting Your Locations via Acoustic Sensing
02:48 Q&A Session for the last 3 papers
Cognition and Human Behavior - B
02:00 Assessing Cognitive Performance Using Physiological and Facial Features: Generalizing Across Contexts
02:06 Prompto: Investigating Receptivity to Prompts Based on Cognitive Load from Memory Training Conversational Agent
02:12 Q&A Session for the first 2 papers
02:20 Mapping and Taking Stock of the Personal Informatics Literature
02:26 Objective Measures of Cognitive Load Using Deep Multi-Modal Learning — A Use-Case in Aviation
02:32 Q&A Session for the last 2 papers
Body Movement & Motor skills - B
02:00 Investigating Retention in Passive Haptic Learning of Piano Songs
02:06 Reducing Muscle Activity when Playing Tremolo by Using Electrical Muscle Stimulation to Learn Efficient Motor Skills
02:12 SyncUp: Vision-based Practice Support for Synchronized Dancing
02:18 Q&A Session for the first 3 papers
02:30 LAX-Score: Quantifying Team Performance in Lacrosse and Exploring IMU Features towards Performance Enhancement
02:36 SwingNet: Ubiquitous Fine-Grained Swing Tracking Framework via Stochastic Neural Architecture Search and Adversarial Learning
02:42 Q&A Session for the last 2 papers
Panel: Reflecting on the 30th anniversary of Weiser’s famous article
Ask Me Anything
Accessibility - C
08:00 It Didn’t Sound Good with My Cochlear Implants: Understanding the Challenges of Using Smart Assistants for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Users
08:06 AiSee: An Assistive Wearable Device to Support Visually Impaired Grocery Shoppers
08:12 Acoussist: An Acoustic Assisting Tool for People with Visual Impairments to Cross Uncontrolled Streets
08:18 Q&A Session for the first 3 papers
08:30 Enabling Real-time Sign Language Translation on Mobile Platforms with On-board Depth Cameras
08:36 LightGuide: Directing Visually Impaired People along a Path Using Light Cues
08:42 Q&A Session for the last 2 papers
Acoustic Sensing I - C
08:00 Your Smart Speaker Can “Hear” Your Heartbeat!
08:06 DronePrint: Acoustic Signatures for Open-set Drone Detection and Identification with Online Data
08:12 Acoustic-based Upper Facial Action Recognition for Smart Eyewear
08:18 Q&A Session for the first 3 papers
08:30 SonicASL: An Acoustic-based Sign Language Gesture Recognizer Using Earphones
08:36 Audio-Based Onset Detection applied to Chewing Cycle Segmentation
08:42 Move like the music: posture and gesture detection in loose garments using theremin
08:48 Q&A Session for the last 3 papers
Emotion & Mental Wellbeing - C
08:00 Understanding User Contexts and Coping Strategies for Context-aware Phone Distraction Management System Design
08:06 Mobile Mood Tracking: An Investigation of Concise and Adaptive Measurement Instruments
08:12 Q&A Session for the first 2 papers
08:20 The Empathetic Car: Exploring Emotion Inference via Driver Behaviour and Traffic Context
08:26 Mindless Load Changer: A Method for Manipulating Load Perception by Feedback of Myoelectricity Sensor Information
08:32 Q&A Session for the last 2 papers
Driving and Transportation - C
08:00 D3P: Data-driven Demand Prediction for Fast Expanding Electric Vehicle Sharing Systems
08:06 D2Park: Diversified Demand-aware On-street Parking Guidance
08:12 Efficient Schedule of Energy-Constrained UAV Using Crowdsourced Buses in Last-Mile Parcel Delivery
08:18 Q&A Session for the first 3 papers
08:30 A City-Wide Crowdsourcing Delivery System with Reinforcement Learning
08:36 ALWAES: Automatic Location-Aware Correction System for Online Delivery Platforms
08:42 Q&A Session for the last 2 papers
RF Sensing - C
09:00 Relacks: Reliable Backscatter Communication in Indoor Environments
09:06 DropMonitor: Millimeter-level Sensing for RFID-based Infusion Drip Rate Monitoring
09:12 Unlocking the Beamforming Potential of LoRa for Long-range Multi-target Respiration Sensing
09:18 Q&A Session for the first 3 papers
09:30 RF Vital Sign Sensing Under Free Body Movement
09:36 RF-ray: Joint RF and Linguistics Domain Learning for Object Recognition
09:42 FG-LiquID: A Contact-less Fine-grained Liquid Identifier by Pushing the Limits of Millimeter-wave Sensing
09:48 Q&A Session for the last 3 papers
Cognition and Human Behavior - C
09:00 Prompto: Investigating Receptivity to Prompts Based on Cognitive Load from Memory Training Conversational Agent
09:06 GAME: Game As a Measurement Environment - Scheme to Evaluate Interfaces and Game Contents Based on Test Theories
09:12 Q&A Session for the first 2 papers
09:20 When Do Drivers Interact with In-VehicleWell-being Interventions? An Exploratory Analysis of a Longitudinal Study on Public Roads
09:26 Examining the Social Context of Alcohol Drinking in Young Adults with Smartphone Sensing
09:32 Q&A Session for the last 2 papers
Body Movement & Motor skills - C
09:00 The Effect of Goal Moderation on the Achievement and Satisfaction of Physical Activity Goals
09:06 Reducing Muscle Activity when Playing Tremolo by Using Electrical Muscle Stimulation to Learn Efficient Motor Skills
09:12 Q&A Session for the first 2 papers
09:20 SyncUp: Vision-based Practice Support for Synchronized Dancing
09:26 Assisting Motor Skill Transfer for Dance Students Using Wearable Feedback
09:32 Q&A Session for the last 2 papers
ISWC Gadgets & Briefs Minute Madness
10:00 Typing on Tap: Estimating a Finger-Worn One-Handed Chording Keyboard's Text Entry Rate
10:00 MOTUS: Rendering Emotions with a Wrist-worn Tactile Display
10:00 Wearability and Comfort of Earables During Sleep
10:00 WeakCounter: Acceleration-based Repetition Counting of Actions with Weakly Supervised Learning
10:00 Towards Automated Fatigue Assessment using Wearable Sensing and Mixed-Effects Models
10:00 Feedback of head gestures in audio-haptic remote communication
10:00 Estimating Upper Arm sEMG from Wrist PPG
10:00 RFInsole: Batteryless Gait-Monitoring Smart Insole Based on Passive RFID Tags
10:00 VIDENS: Vision-based User Identification from Inertial Sensors
10:00 A Transformer Architecture for Stress Detection from ECG
10:00 Person-identification Method using Active Acoustic Sensing Applied to Nose
Panel: Reflecting on the 30th anniversary of Weiser’s famous article
Mobile and Wireless Systems - A
17:00 BFree: Enabling Battery-free Sensor Prototyping with Python
17:06 MIMU: Mobile WiFi Usage Inference by Mining Diverse User Behaviors
17:12 ShaZam: Charge-Free Wearable Devices via Intra-Body Power Transfer from Everyday Objects
17:18 Q&A Session for the first 3 papers
17:30 Embracing Collisions to Increase Fidelity of Sensing Systems with COTS Tags
17:36 REHASH: A Flexible, Developer Focused, Heuristic Adaptation Platform for Intermittently Powered Computing
17:42 DANA: Dimension-Adaptive Neural Architecture for Multivariate Sensor Data
17:48 Q&A Session for the last 3 papers
Activity Sensing - A
17:00 Robust Inertial Motion Tracking through Deep Sensor Fusion across Smart Earbuds and Smartphone
17:06 Contrastive Predictive Coding for Human Activity Recognition
17:12 Approaching the Real-World: Supporting Activity Recognition Training with Virtual IMU Data
17:18 Q&A Session for the first 3 papers
17:30 WR-Hand: Wearable Armband can Track User's Hand
17:36 Write, Attend and Spell: Streaming End-to-end Free-style Handwriting Recognition Using Smartwatches
17:42 On the Role of Context Length for Feature Extraction and Sequence Modeling in Human Activity Recognition
17:48 Q&A Session for the last 3 papers
Human Activity Recognition I - A
17:00 Toward Lightweight In-situ Self-reporting: An Exploratory Study of Alternative Smartwatch Interface Designs in Context
17:06 SelfHAR: Improving Human Activity Recognition through Self-training with Unlabeled Data
17:12 Designing Kitchen Technologies for Ageing in Place: A Video Study of Older Adults’ Cooking at Home
17:18 Q&A Session for the first 3 papers
17:30 SenseCollect: We Need Efficient Ways to Collect On-body Sensor-based Human Activity Data!
17:36 Overthere : A Simple and Intuitive Object Registration Method for an Absolute Mid-air Pointing Interface
17:42 Fast Deep Neural Architecture Search for Wearable Activity Recognition by Early Prediction of Converged Performance
17:48 Q&A Session for the last 3 papers
Human Mobility - A
17:00 MIFF: Human Mobility Extractions with Cellular Signaling Data under Spatio-temporal Uncertainty
17:06 Modelling Memory for Individual Re-identification in Decentralised Mobile Contact Tracing Applications
17:12 Q&A Session for the first 2 papers
17:20 HERMAS: A Human Mobility Embedding Framework with Large-scale Cellular Signaling Data
17:26 CellSense: Human Mobility Recovery via Cellular Network Data Enhancement
17:32 Q&A Session for the last 2 papers
Sensing Human Behaviors - A
18:00 Understanding Physical Practices and the Role of Technology in Manual Self-Tracking
18:06 ComFeel: Productivity is a Matter of the Senses Too
18:12 Authenticating Drivers Using Automotive Batteries
18:18 Q&A Session for the first 3 papers
18:30 Evaluating the Gradual Delivery of Knowledge-focused and Mindset-focused Messages for Facilitating the Acceptance of COPD
18:36 A Scalable Solution for Signaling Face Touches to Reduce the Spread of Surface-based Pathogens.
18:42 VeriMask: Facilitating Decontamination of N95 Masks in the COVID-19 Pandemic: Challenges, Lessons Learned, and Safeguarding the Future
18:48 Q&A Session for the last 3 papers
Wellbeing - A
18:00 Outliers in Smartphone Sensor Data Reveal Outliers in Daily Happiness
18:06 One More Bite? Inferring Food Consumption Level of College Students Using Smartphone Sensing and Self-Reports
18:12 Q&A Session for the first 2 papers
18:20 Accurate Reaction Times on Smartphones: The Challenges of Developing a Mobile Psychomotor Vigilance Task
18:26 Tunnel Vision -- Dynamic Peripheral Vision Blocking Glasses for Reducing Motion Sickness Symptoms
18:32 Q&A Session for the last 2 papers
Human Activity Recognition II - A
18:00 Deriving Effective Human Activity Recognition Systems through Objective Task Complexity Assessment
18:06 Multimodal Joint Head Orientation Estimation in Interacting Groups via Proxemics and Interaction Dynamics
18:12 mTeeth: Identifying Brushing Teeth Surfaces Using Wrist-Worn Inertial Sensors
18:18 Q&A Session for the first 3 papers
18:30 Improving Deep Learning for HAR with shallow LSTMs
18:36 Using additional training sensors to improve single-sensor-based complex activity recognition
18:42 Q&A Session for the last 2 papers
Human & Urban Mobility - A
18:00 Urban Map Inference by Pervasive Vehicular Sensing Systems with Complementary Mobility
18:06 UVLens: Urban Village Boundary Identification and Population Estimation Leveraging Open Government Data
18:12 Multi-Head Spatio-Temporal Attention Mechanism For Urban Anomaly Event Prediction
18:18 Q&A Session for the first 3 papers
18:30 How Low Can You Go? Performance Trade-offs in Low-Resolution Thermal Sensors for Occupancy Detection: A Systematic Evaluation
18:36 MetaTP: Traffic Prediction with Unevenly-Distributed Road Sensing Data via Fast Adaptation
18:42 Q&A Session for the last 2 papers
Posters & Demos
19:00 Ubicomp Poster 01: Toward Speech Articulation Detection through Smartphone
19:00 Ubicomp Poster 02: Challenges and Opportunities in Developing Systems to Assist Patients in Recovering from Gambling Addiction
19:00 Ubicomp Poster 03: Sonic Straws: A beverage-based playful gustosonic system
19:00 Ubicomp Poster 04: I‘m Interested, but Can/Would Only Skim It: Studying Smartphone Users‘s Receptivity to News Notifications
19:00 Ubicomp Poster 05: Adaptor: A Real-time Module for a Conversational Agent to Adapt Policy Based on Negative User Behavior
19:00 Ubicomp Poster 06: Estimating Patient Independence with Sleep Sensors
19:00 Ubicomp Poster 07: AC-WGAN-GP: Augmenting ECG and GSR Signals using Conditional Generative Models for Arousal Classification
19:00 Ubicomp Poster 08: AutoPCD: Learning-Augmented Indoor Point Cloud Completion
19:00 Ubicomp Poster 09: ViSAR: A Mobile Platform for Vision-Integrated Millimeter-Wave Synthetic Aperture Radar
19:00 Ubicomp Poster 10: MilliPose: Facilitating Full Body Silhouette Imaging from Millimeter-Wave Device
19:00 Ubicomp Poster 11: On the Performance Impact of Poisoning Attacks on Load Forecasting in Federated Learning
19:00 Ubicomp Poster 12: Detecting Single-Hand Riding with Integrated Accelerometer and Gyroscope of Smartphone
19:00 Ubicomp Poster 13: Toward Context-aware Proactive Conversation for Smart Speakers
19:00 Ubicomp Poster 14: Opportune Moments for the Multi-Stage Notification Responding Process: A Preliminary Investigation
19:00 Ubicomp Poster 15: AudioMomento: Promoting Everyday Emotional Wellness via an Audio Journaling Book
19:00 Ubicomp Poster 16: Confidence Estimation via Wrist Movement
19:00 Ubicomp Poster 17: Occurrence and Triggers of Mobile News Exposure: A Screenshot-Based ESM Study
19:00 Ubicomp Poster 18: Killing-Time Detection from Smartphone Screenshots
19:00 Ubicomp Poster 19: On the Predictability of Parking Preferences
19:00 Ubicomp Poster 20: IoT Nudge: IoT data-driven Nudging for Health Behavior Change
19:00 Ubicomp Poster 21: HeadSense: A Head Movement Detecting System for Micro-Mobility Riders
19:00 Ubicomp Poster 22: Exploring User Contexts and Needs for Context-aware Smartphone Distraction Management
19:00 Ubicomp Poster 23: Air Quality Sensor Network Data Acquisition, Cleaning, Visualization, and Analytics: A Real-world IoT Use Case
19:00 Ubicomp Poster 24: Experience Sampling Tool for Repetitive Skills Training in Sports using Voice User Interface
19:00 Ubicomp Poster 25: Using Interaction as Nudge to Increase Installation Rate of COVID-19 Contact-Confirming Application
19:00 Ubicomp Poster 26: Augmented Reality with Industrial Process Tomography: To Support Complex Data Analysis in 3D Space
19:00 Ubicomp Poster 27: Effects of Intervening Backwards from Goals to Improve Sleep Habits
19:00 Ubicomp Poster 28: A Participatory Workshop towards Designing Vibrothermal Haptics of a Smart Fidget Surface for Remote Workers
19:00 Ubicomp Poster 29: Activity Simulation from Signals
19:00 Ubicomp Demo 01: Chewpin: a wearable acoustic device for chewing detection
19:00 Ubicomp Demo 02: Package Delivery Using Autonomous Drones in Skyways
19:00 Ubicomp Demo 03: SmartCamera: Real-time Video Stream-Oriented Action Recognition Platform in Edge Environment
19:00 Ubicomp Demo 04: Vision-based Scene Analysis toward Dangerous Cycling Behavior Detection Using Smartphones
19:00 Ubicomp Demo 05: emteqPRO: Face-mounted Mask for Emotion Recognition and Affective Computing
19:00 Ubicomp Demo 06: On the Potential of large-scale Extended Reality Interaction for Industrial Environments
19:00 Ubicomp Demo 07: TechLifeProbe: A Technology Prototype to Probe How Data Sharing With Adolescents' Parents Improves Their Technology Abuse Through Mobile Phones
19:00 Ubicomp Demo 08: DillyDally: Overcome Your Procrastination via Social Network
19:00 Ubicomp Demo 09: Capacitive Sensing Based On-board Hand Gesture Recognition with TinyML
19:00 ISWC Poster 01: Typing on Tap: Estimating a Finger-Worn One-Handed Chording Keyboard's Text Entry Rate
19:00 ISWC Poster 02: MOTUS: Rendering Emotions with a Wrist-worn Tactile Display
19:00 ISWC Poster 03: Wearability and Comfort of Earables During Sleep
19:00 ISWC Poster 04: WeakCounter: Acceleration-based Repetition Counting of Actions with Weakly Supervised Learning
19:00 ISWC Poster 05: Towards Automated Fatigue Assessment using Wearable Sensing and Mixed-Effects Models
19:00 ISWC Poster 06: Feedback of head gestures in audio-haptic remote communication
19:00 ISWC Poster 07: Estimating Upper Arm sEMG from Wrist PPG
19:00 ISWC Poster 08: RFInsole: Batteryless Gait-Monitoring Smart Insole Based on Passive RFID Tags
19:00 ISWC Poster 09: VIDENS: Vision-based User Identification from Inertial Sensors
19:00 ISWC Poster 10: A Transformer Architecture for Stress Detection from ECG
19:00 ISWC Poster 11: Person-identification Method using Active Acoustic Sensing Applied to Nose
Ask Me Anything

Thursday, 9/23/2021

Time and date are based on your timezone settings (Europe/Berlin).
Keynote: Future Prototyping for Superheroes, Hypercars, and Emerging Tech
Mobile and Wireless Systems - B
01:00 MIMU: Mobile WiFi Usage Inference by Mining Diverse User Behaviors
01:06 Ray Tracing-based Light Energy Prediction for Indoor Batteryless Sensors
01:12 AdaSpring: Context-adaptive and Runtime-evolutionary Deep Model Compression for Mobile Applications
01:18 Q&A Session for the first 3 papers
01:30 Embracing Collisions to Increase Fidelity of Sensing Systems with COTS Tags
01:36 REHASH: A Flexible, Developer Focused, Heuristic Adaptation Platform for Intermittently Powered Computing
01:42 Context-aware Adaptive Surgery: A Fast and Effective Framework for Adaptative Model Partition
01:48 Q&A Session for the last 3 papers
Activity Sensing - B
01:00 Contrastive Predictive Coding for Human Activity Recognition
01:06 Model-based Head Orientation Estimation for Smart Devices
01:12 Approaching the Real-World: Supporting Activity Recognition Training with Virtual IMU Data
01:18 Q&A Session for the first 3 papers
01:30 FaceSense: Sensing Face Touch with an Ear-worn System
01:36 On the Role of Context Length for Feature Extraction and Sequence Modeling in Human Activity Recognition
01:42 Q&A Session for the last 2 papers
Human Activity Recognition I - B
01:00 Teaching RF to Sense without RF Training Measurements
01:06 Toward Lightweight In-situ Self-reporting: An Exploratory Study of Alternative Smartwatch Interface Designs in Context
01:12 SelfHAR: Improving Human Activity Recognition through Self-training with Unlabeled Data
01:18 Q&A Session for the first 3 papers
01:30 CrowdAct: Achieving High-Quality Crowdsourced Datasets in Mobile Activity Recognition
01:36 SenseCollect: We Need Efficient Ways to Collect On-body Sensor-based Human Activity Data!
01:42 Q&A Session for the last 2 papers
Human Mobility - B
01:00 When Sharing Economy Meets IoT: Towards Fine-grained Urban Air quality Monitoring through Mobile Crowdsensing on Bike-share System
01:06 MIFF: Human Mobility Extractions with Cellular Signaling Data under Spatio-temporal Uncertainty
01:12 Full-Dimension Relative Positioning for RFID-Enabled Self-Checkout Services
01:18 Q&A Session for the first 3 papers
01:30 Who Will Survive and Revive Undergoing the Epidemic: Analyses about POI Visit Behavior inWuhan via Check-in Records
01:36 HERMAS: A Human Mobility Embedding Framework with Large-scale Cellular Signaling Data
01:42 CellSense: Human Mobility Recovery via Cellular Network Data Enhancement
01:48 Q&A Session for the last 3 papers
Sensing Human Behaviors - B
02:00 Understanding Physical Practices and the Role of Technology in Manual Self-Tracking
02:06 ComFeel: Productivity is a Matter of the Senses Too
02:12 Authenticating Drivers Using Automotive Batteries
02:18 Q&A Session for the first 3 papers
02:30 Evaluating the Gradual Delivery of Knowledge-focused and Mindset-focused Messages for Facilitating the Acceptance of COPD
02:36 A Scalable Solution for Signaling Face Touches to Reduce the Spread of Surface-based Pathogens.
02:42 VeriMask: Facilitating Decontamination of N95 Masks in the COVID-19 Pandemic: Challenges, Lessons Learned, and Safeguarding the Future
02:48 Q&A Session for the last 3 papers
Human Activity Recognition II - B
02:00 Deriving Effective Human Activity Recognition Systems through Objective Task Complexity Assessment
02:06 Unsupervised Human Activity Representation Learning with Multi-task Deep Clustering
02:12 mTeeth: Identifying Brushing Teeth Surfaces Using Wrist-Worn Inertial Sensors
02:18 Q&A Session for the first 3 papers
02:30 Leveraging Activity Recognition to Enable Protective Behavior Detection in Continuous Data
02:36 Self-supervised Learning for Reading Activity Classification
02:42 Using additional training sensors to improve single-sensor-based complex activity recognition
02:48 Q&A Session for the last 3 papers
Human & Urban Mobility - B
02:00 RF-Identity: Non-Intrusive Person Identification Based on Commodity RFID Devices
02:06 Urban Map Inference by Pervasive Vehicular Sensing Systems with Complementary Mobility
02:12 Passive Health Monitoring Using Large Scale Mobility Data
02:18 Q&A Session for the first 3 papers
02:30 Multi-Head Spatio-Temporal Attention Mechanism For Urban Anomaly Event Prediction
02:36 MetaTP: Traffic Prediction with Unevenly-Distributed Road Sensing Data via Fast Adaptation
02:42 Q&A Session for the last 2 papers
Posters & Demos
03:00 Ubicomp Poster 01: Toward Speech Articulation Detection through Smartphone
03:00 Ubicomp Poster 02: Challenges and Opportunities in Developing Systems to Assist Patients in Recovering from Gambling Addiction
03:00 Ubicomp Poster 03: Sonic Straws: A beverage-based playful gustosonic system
03:00 Ubicomp Poster 04: I‘m Interested, but Can/Would Only Skim It: Studying Smartphone Users‘s Receptivity to News Notifications
03:00 Ubicomp Poster 05: Adaptor: A Real-time Module for a Conversational Agent to Adapt Policy Based on Negative User Behavior
03:00 Ubicomp Poster 06: Estimating Patient Independence with Sleep Sensors
03:00 Ubicomp Poster 07: AC-WGAN-GP: Augmenting ECG and GSR Signals using Conditional Generative Models for Arousal Classification
03:00 Ubicomp Poster 08: AutoPCD: Learning-Augmented Indoor Point Cloud Completion
03:00 Ubicomp Poster 09: ViSAR: A Mobile Platform for Vision-Integrated Millimeter-Wave Synthetic Aperture Radar
03:00 Ubicomp Poster 10: MilliPose: Facilitating Full Body Silhouette Imaging from Millimeter-Wave Device
03:00 Ubicomp Poster 11: On the Performance Impact of Poisoning Attacks on Load Forecasting in Federated Learning
03:00 Ubicomp Poster 12: Detecting Single-Hand Riding with Integrated Accelerometer and Gyroscope of Smartphone
03:00 Ubicomp Poster 13: Toward Context-aware Proactive Conversation for Smart Speakers
03:00 Ubicomp Poster 14: Opportune Moments for the Multi-Stage Notification Responding Process: A Preliminary Investigation
03:00 Ubicomp Poster 15: AudioMomento: Promoting Everyday Emotional Wellness via an Audio Journaling Book
03:00 Ubicomp Poster 16: Confidence Estimation via Wrist Movement
03:00 Ubicomp Poster 17: Occurrence and Triggers of Mobile News Exposure: A Screenshot-Based ESM Study
03:00 Ubicomp Poster 18: Killing-Time Detection from Smartphone Screenshots
03:00 Ubicomp Poster 19: On the Predictability of Parking Preferences
03:00 Ubicomp Poster 20: IoT Nudge: IoT data-driven Nudging for Health Behavior Change
03:00 Ubicomp Poster 21: HeadSense: A Head Movement Detecting System for Micro-Mobility Riders
03:00 Ubicomp Poster 22: Exploring User Contexts and Needs for Context-aware Smartphone Distraction Management
03:00 Ubicomp Poster 23: Air Quality Sensor Network Data Acquisition, Cleaning, Visualization, and Analytics: A Real-world IoT Use Case
03:00 Ubicomp Poster 24: Experience Sampling Tool for Repetitive Skills Training in Sports using Voice User Interface
03:00 Ubicomp Poster 25: Using Interaction as Nudge to Increase Installation Rate of COVID-19 Contact-Confirming Application
03:00 Ubicomp Poster 26: Augmented Reality with Industrial Process Tomography: To Support Complex Data Analysis in 3D Space
03:00 Ubicomp Poster 27: Effects of Intervening Backwards from Goals to Improve Sleep Habits
03:00 Ubicomp Poster 28: A Participatory Workshop towards Designing Vibrothermal Haptics of a Smart Fidget Surface for Remote Workers
03:00 Ubicomp Poster 29: Activity Simulation from Signals
03:00 Ubicomp Demo 01: Chewpin: a wearable acoustic device for chewing detection
03:00 Ubicomp Demo 02: Package Delivery Using Autonomous Drones in Skyways
03:00 Ubicomp Demo 03: SmartCamera: Real-time Video Stream-Oriented Action Recognition Platform in Edge Environment
03:00 Ubicomp Demo 04: Vision-based Scene Analysis toward Dangerous Cycling Behavior Detection Using Smartphones
03:00 Ubicomp Demo 05: emteqPRO: Face-mounted Mask for Emotion Recognition and Affective Computing
03:00 Ubicomp Demo 06: On the Potential of large-scale Extended Reality Interaction for Industrial Environments
03:00 Ubicomp Demo 07: TechLifeProbe: A Technology Prototype to Probe How Data Sharing With Adolescents' Parents Improves Their Technology Abuse Through Mobile Phones
03:00 Ubicomp Demo 08: DillyDally: Overcome Your Procrastination via Social Network
03:00 Ubicomp Demo 09: Capacitive Sensing Based On-board Hand Gesture Recognition with TinyML
03:00 ISWC Poster 01: Typing on Tap: Estimating a Finger-Worn One-Handed Chording Keyboard's Text Entry Rate
03:00 ISWC Poster 02: MOTUS: Rendering Emotions with a Wrist-worn Tactile Display
03:00 ISWC Poster 03: Wearability and Comfort of Earables During Sleep
03:00 ISWC Poster 04: WeakCounter: Acceleration-based Repetition Counting of Actions with Weakly Supervised Learning
03:00 ISWC Poster 05: Towards Automated Fatigue Assessment using Wearable Sensing and Mixed-Effects Models
03:00 ISWC Poster 06: Feedback of head gestures in audio-haptic remote communication
03:00 ISWC Poster 07: Estimating Upper Arm sEMG from Wrist PPG
03:00 ISWC Poster 08: RFInsole: Batteryless Gait-Monitoring Smart Insole Based on Passive RFID Tags
03:00 ISWC Poster 09: VIDENS: Vision-based User Identification from Inertial Sensors
03:00 ISWC Poster 10: A Transformer Architecture for Stress Detection from ECG
03:00 ISWC Poster 11: Person-identification Method using Active Acoustic Sensing Applied to Nose
Keynote (replay): Future Prototyping for Superheroes, Hypercars, and Emerging Tech
Mobile and Wireless Systems - C
08:00 BFree: Enabling Battery-free Sensor Prototyping with Python
08:06 Ray Tracing-based Light Energy Prediction for Indoor Batteryless Sensors
08:12 AdaSpring: Context-adaptive and Runtime-evolutionary Deep Model Compression for Mobile Applications
08:18 Q&A Session for the first 3 papers
08:30 ShaZam: Charge-Free Wearable Devices via Intra-Body Power Transfer from Everyday Objects
08:36 Context-aware Adaptive Surgery: A Fast and Effective Framework for Adaptative Model Partition
08:42 DANA: Dimension-Adaptive Neural Architecture for Multivariate Sensor Data
08:48 Q&A Session for the last 3 papers
Activity Sensing - C
08:00 Robust Inertial Motion Tracking through Deep Sensor Fusion across Smart Earbuds and Smartphone
08:06 Model-based Head Orientation Estimation for Smart Devices
08:12 WR-Hand: Wearable Armband can Track User's Hand
08:18 Q&A Session for the first 3 papers
08:30 Write, Attend and Spell: Streaming End-to-end Free-style Handwriting Recognition Using Smartwatches
08:36 FaceSense: Sensing Face Touch with an Ear-worn System
08:42 Q&A Session for the last 2 papers
Human Activity Recognition I - C
08:00 Teaching RF to Sense without RF Training Measurements
08:06 CrowdAct: Achieving High-Quality Crowdsourced Datasets in Mobile Activity Recognition
08:12 Designing Kitchen Technologies for Ageing in Place: A Video Study of Older Adults’ Cooking at Home
08:18 Q&A Session for the first 3 papers
08:30 Overthere : A Simple and Intuitive Object Registration Method for an Absolute Mid-air Pointing Interface
08:36 Fast Deep Neural Architecture Search for Wearable Activity Recognition by Early Prediction of Converged Performance
08:42 Q&A Session for the last 2 papers
Human Mobility - C
08:00 When Sharing Economy Meets IoT: Towards Fine-grained Urban Air quality Monitoring through Mobile Crowdsensing on Bike-share System
08:06 Modelling Memory for Individual Re-identification in Decentralised Mobile Contact Tracing Applications
08:12 Q&A Session for the first 2 papers
08:20 Full-Dimension Relative Positioning for RFID-Enabled Self-Checkout Services
08:26 Who Will Survive and Revive Undergoing the Epidemic: Analyses about POI Visit Behavior inWuhan via Check-in Records
08:32 Q&A Session for the last 2 papers
Wellbeing - C
09:00 Outliers in Smartphone Sensor Data Reveal Outliers in Daily Happiness
09:06 One More Bite? Inferring Food Consumption Level of College Students Using Smartphone Sensing and Self-Reports
09:12 Q&A Session for the first 2 papers
09:20 Accurate Reaction Times on Smartphones: The Challenges of Developing a Mobile Psychomotor Vigilance Task
09:26 Tunnel Vision -- Dynamic Peripheral Vision Blocking Glasses for Reducing Motion Sickness Symptoms
09:32 Q&A Session for the last 2 papers
Human Activity Recognition II - C
09:00 Multimodal Joint Head Orientation Estimation in Interacting Groups via Proxemics and Interaction Dynamics
09:06 Unsupervised Human Activity Representation Learning with Multi-task Deep Clustering
09:12 Leveraging Activity Recognition to Enable Protective Behavior Detection in Continuous Data
09:18 Q&A Session for the first 3 papers
09:30 Self-supervised Learning for Reading Activity Classification
09:36 Improving Deep Learning for HAR with shallow LSTMs
09:42 Q&A Session for the last 2 papers
Human & Urban Mobility - C
09:00 RF-Identity: Non-Intrusive Person Identification Based on Commodity RFID Devices
09:06 Passive Health Monitoring Using Large Scale Mobility Data
09:12 Q&A Session for the first 2 papers
09:20 UVLens: Urban Village Boundary Identification and Population Estimation Leveraging Open Government Data
09:26 How Low Can You Go? Performance Trade-offs in Low-Resolution Thermal Sensors for Occupancy Detection: A Systematic Evaluation
09:32 Q&A Session for the last 2 papers
Posters & Demos
10:00 Ubicomp Poster 01: Toward Speech Articulation Detection through Smartphone
10:00 Ubicomp Poster 02: Challenges and Opportunities in Developing Systems to Assist Patients in Recovering from Gambling Addiction
10:00 Ubicomp Poster 03: Sonic Straws: A beverage-based playful gustosonic system
10:00 Ubicomp Poster 04: I‘m Interested, but Can/Would Only Skim It: Studying Smartphone Users‘s Receptivity to News Notifications
10:00 Ubicomp Poster 05: Adaptor: A Real-time Module for a Conversational Agent to Adapt Policy Based on Negative User Behavior
10:00 Ubicomp Poster 06: Estimating Patient Independence with Sleep Sensors
10:00 Ubicomp Poster 07: AC-WGAN-GP: Augmenting ECG and GSR Signals using Conditional Generative Models for Arousal Classification
10:00 Ubicomp Poster 08: AutoPCD: Learning-Augmented Indoor Point Cloud Completion
10:00 Ubicomp Poster 09: ViSAR: A Mobile Platform for Vision-Integrated Millimeter-Wave Synthetic Aperture Radar
10:00 Ubicomp Poster 10: MilliPose: Facilitating Full Body Silhouette Imaging from Millimeter-Wave Device
10:00 Ubicomp Poster 11: On the Performance Impact of Poisoning Attacks on Load Forecasting in Federated Learning
10:00 Ubicomp Poster 12: Detecting Single-Hand Riding with Integrated Accelerometer and Gyroscope of Smartphone
10:00 Ubicomp Poster 13: Toward Context-aware Proactive Conversation for Smart Speakers
10:00 Ubicomp Poster 14: Opportune Moments for the Multi-Stage Notification Responding Process: A Preliminary Investigation
10:00 Ubicomp Poster 15: AudioMomento: Promoting Everyday Emotional Wellness via an Audio Journaling Book
10:00 Ubicomp Poster 16: Confidence Estimation via Wrist Movement
10:00 Ubicomp Poster 17: Occurrence and Triggers of Mobile News Exposure: A Screenshot-Based ESM Study
10:00 Ubicomp Poster 18: Killing-Time Detection from Smartphone Screenshots
10:00 Ubicomp Poster 19: On the Predictability of Parking Preferences
10:00 Ubicomp Poster 20: IoT Nudge: IoT data-driven Nudging for Health Behavior Change
10:00 Ubicomp Poster 21: HeadSense: A Head Movement Detecting System for Micro-Mobility Riders
10:00 Ubicomp Poster 22: Exploring User Contexts and Needs for Context-aware Smartphone Distraction Management
10:00 Ubicomp Poster 23: Air Quality Sensor Network Data Acquisition, Cleaning, Visualization, and Analytics: A Real-world IoT Use Case
10:00 Ubicomp Poster 24: Experience Sampling Tool for Repetitive Skills Training in Sports using Voice User Interface
10:00 Ubicomp Poster 25: Using Interaction as Nudge to Increase Installation Rate of COVID-19 Contact-Confirming Application
10:00 Ubicomp Poster 26: Augmented Reality with Industrial Process Tomography: To Support Complex Data Analysis in 3D Space
10:00 Ubicomp Poster 27: Effects of Intervening Backwards from Goals to Improve Sleep Habits
10:00 Ubicomp Poster 28: A Participatory Workshop towards Designing Vibrothermal Haptics of a Smart Fidget Surface for Remote Workers
10:00 Ubicomp Poster 29: Activity Simulation from Signals
10:00 Ubicomp Demo 01: Chewpin: a wearable acoustic device for chewing detection
10:00 Ubicomp Demo 02: Package Delivery Using Autonomous Drones in Skyways
10:00 Ubicomp Demo 03: SmartCamera: Real-time Video Stream-Oriented Action Recognition Platform in Edge Environment
10:00 Ubicomp Demo 04: Vision-based Scene Analysis toward Dangerous Cycling Behavior Detection Using Smartphones
10:00 Ubicomp Demo 05: emteqPRO: Face-mounted Mask for Emotion Recognition and Affective Computing
10:00 Ubicomp Demo 06: On the Potential of large-scale Extended Reality Interaction for Industrial Environments
10:00 Ubicomp Demo 07: TechLifeProbe: A Technology Prototype to Probe How Data Sharing With Adolescents' Parents Improves Their Technology Abuse Through Mobile Phones
10:00 Ubicomp Demo 08: DillyDally: Overcome Your Procrastination via Social Network
10:00 Ubicomp Demo 09: Capacitive Sensing Based On-board Hand Gesture Recognition with TinyML
10:00 ISWC Poster 01: Typing on Tap: Estimating a Finger-Worn One-Handed Chording Keyboard's Text Entry Rate
10:00 ISWC Poster 02: MOTUS: Rendering Emotions with a Wrist-worn Tactile Display
10:00 ISWC Poster 03: Wearability and Comfort of Earables During Sleep
10:00 ISWC Poster 04: WeakCounter: Acceleration-based Repetition Counting of Actions with Weakly Supervised Learning
10:00 ISWC Poster 05: Towards Automated Fatigue Assessment using Wearable Sensing and Mixed-Effects Models
10:00 ISWC Poster 06: Feedback of head gestures in audio-haptic remote communication
10:00 ISWC Poster 07: Estimating Upper Arm sEMG from Wrist PPG
10:00 ISWC Poster 08: RFInsole: Batteryless Gait-Monitoring Smart Insole Based on Passive RFID Tags
10:00 ISWC Poster 09: VIDENS: Vision-based User Identification from Inertial Sensors
10:00 ISWC Poster 10: A Transformer Architecture for Stress Detection from ECG
10:00 ISWC Poster 11: Person-identification Method using Active Acoustic Sensing Applied to Nose
Panel: Past and future of wearables
Security & Authentication - A
17:00 Not Quite Yourself Today: Behaviour-Based Continuous Authentication in IoT Environments
17:06 Aquilis: Using Contextual Integrity for Privacy Protection on Mobile Devices
17:12 BlinKey: A Two-Factor User Authentication Method for Virtual Reality Devices
17:18 Q&A Session for the first 3 papers
17:30 S3: Side-Channel Attack on Stylus Pencil through Sensors
17:36 Voice In Ear: Spoofing-Resistant and Passphrase-Independent Body Sound Authentication
17:42 Every Byte Matters: Traffic Analysis of Bluetooth Wearable Devices
17:48 Q&A Session for the last 3 papers
Public Displays & AR/VR - A
17:00 To See or Not to See: Exploring Inattentional Blindness for the Design of Unobtrusive Interfaces in Shared Public Places
17:06 Orbuculum – Predicting When Users Intend to Leave Large Public Displays
17:12 CoolMoves: User Motion Accentuation in Virtual Reality
17:18 Q&A Session for the first 3 papers
17:30 Inverse Foraging: Inferring Users’ Interest in Pervasive Displays
17:36 Duco: Autonomous Large-Scale Direct-Circuit-Writing (DCW) on Vertical Everyday Surfaces Using A Scalable Hanging Plotter
17:42 A Pilot Study using Covert Visuospatial Attention as an EEG- based Brain Computer Interface to Enhance AR Interaction
17:48 Q&A Session for the last 3 papers
Gesture Recognition - A
17:00 Real-time Arm Gesture Recognition in Smart Home Scenarios via Millimeter Wave Sensing
17:06 Pantomime: Mid-Air Gesture Recognition with Sparse Millimeter-Wave Radar Point Clouds
17:12 A Feature Adaptive Learning Method for High-Density sEMG-Based Gesture Recognition
17:18 Q&A Session for the first 3 papers
17:30 ViFin: Harness Passive Vibration to Continuous Micro Finger Writing with a Commodity Smartwatch
17:36 Watching Your Phone’s Back: Gesture Recognition by Sensing Acoustical Structure-borne Propagation
17:42 Q&A Session for the last 2 papers
Privacy - A
18:00 Where You Go Matters: A Study on the Privacy Implications of Continuous Location Tracking
18:06 EDEN: Enforcing Location Privacy through Re-identification Risk Assessment: A Federated Learning Approach
18:12 The Crowd Wisdom for Location Privacy of Crowdsensing Photos: Spear or Shield?
18:18 Q&A Session for the first 3 papers
18:30 Is Someone Listening? Audio Related Privacy Perceptions and Design Recommendations from Guardians, Pragmatists, and Cynics
18:36 Honeysuckle: Annotation-Guided Code Generation of In-App Privacy Notices
18:42 Who Am I? A Design Probe Exploring Real-Time Transparency About Online and Offline User Profiling Underlying Targeted Ads
18:48 Q&A Session for the last 3 papers
Tactile & Wearable Interfaces - A
18:00 Designing Interactions beyond Conscious Control: A New Model for Wearable Interfaces
18:06 VibroMap: Understanding the Spacing of Vibrotactile Actuators across the Body
18:12 ShadowSense: Detecting Human Touch in a Social Robot Using Shadow Image Classification
18:18 Q&A Session for the first 3 papers
18:30 Investigating the Effect of Sensory Concurrency on Learning Haptic Spatiotemporal Signals
18:36 User Expectations and Mental Models for Communicating Emotions through Compressive & Warm Affective Garment Actuation
18:42 Where Should I Look? Comparing Reference Frames for Spatial Tactile Cues
18:48 Q&A Session for the last 3 papers
Wearable Computing - A
18:00 11 Years with Wearables: Quantitative Analysis of Social Media, Academia, News Agencies, and Lead User Community from 2009-2020 on Wearable Technologies
18:06 A Survey and Taxonomy of Electronics Toolkits for Interactive and Ubiquitous Device Prototyping
18:12 Delocalizing Strain in Interconnected Joints of On-Skin Interfaces
18:18 Q&A Session for the first 3 papers
18:30 Brainwear: towards multi-modal garment integrated EEG
18:36 Simulation of garment-embedded contact sensor performance under motion dynamics
18:42 A 10-Year Review of the Methods and Purposes of On-Skin Interface Research in ACM SIGCHI
18:48 Q&A Session for the last 3 papers
Design Exhibition
19:00 Solar Scarf: Expanding DIY educational content with an expressive wearable system
19:00 Masquare: a functional smart mask design for health monitoring
19:00 VäriWig: Interactive Coloring Wig Module
19:00 CJ-2050: Body Cooling Wearable Technology
19:00 User-Controlled Multi-Zone Jacket For Thermal Microclimate Regulation
19:00 Doki Doki: A Modular Wearable for Social Interaction in the COVID Era and Beyond
19:00 TheraTrousers: Reactive wearable for playful therapeutic self-empowerment
19:00 Dynamic, Discreet, Robotic Compression Garment for Real-Time Stress Assessment and Intervention
19:00 Design of a Hybrid SMA-Pneumatic based Wearable Upper Limb Exoskeleton
19:00 BLInG: Beads-Laden Interactive Garment
19:00 Development of an Aesthetic for a Stroke Rehabilitation System
19:00 Sensing Textures: Tactile Resistance
19:00 CalmWear: A Smart Tactile Sensory Stimulation Clothing

Friday, 9/24/2021

Time and date are based on your timezone settings (Europe/Berlin).
Ask Me Anything
Security & Authentication - B
01:00 TouchID: User Authentication on Mobile Devices via Inertial-Touch Gesture Analysis
01:06 BlinKey: A Two-Factor User Authentication Method for Virtual Reality Devices
01:12 S3: Side-Channel Attack on Stylus Pencil through Sensors
01:18 Q&A Session for the first 3 papers
01:30 Voice In Ear: Spoofing-Resistant and Passphrase-Independent Body Sound Authentication
01:36 Fine-Grained and Context-Aware Behavioral Biometrics for Pattern Lock on Smartphones
01:42 IriTrack: Face Presentation Attack Detection Using Iris Tracking
01:48 Q&A Session for the last 3 papers
Public Displays & AR/VR - B
01:00 BitLight: Turning DLP Projections into an Interactive Surface through Bit-level Light Encoding
01:06 LSVP: Towards Effective On-the-go Video Learning Using Optical Head-Mounted Displays
01:12 CoolMoves: User Motion Accentuation in Virtual Reality
01:18 Q&A Session for the first 3 papers
01:30 Douleur: Creating Pain Sensation with Chemical Stimulant to Enhance User Experience in Virtual Reality
01:36 Duco: Autonomous Large-Scale Direct-Circuit-Writing (DCW) on Vertical Everyday Surfaces Using A Scalable Hanging Plotter
01:42 A Pilot Study using Covert Visuospatial Attention as an EEG- based Brain Computer Interface to Enhance AR Interaction
01:48 Q&A Session for the last 3 papers
Gesture Recognition - B
01:00 GAN-based Style Transformation to Improve Gesture-recognition Accuracy
01:06 CrossGR: Accurate and Low-cost Cross-target Gesture Recognition Using Wi-Fi
01:12 Pantomime: Mid-Air Gesture Recognition with Sparse Millimeter-Wave Radar Point Clouds
01:18 Q&A Session for the first 3 papers
01:30 ViFin: Harness Passive Vibration to Continuous Micro Finger Writing with a Commodity Smartwatch
01:36 Towards Position-Independent Sensing for Gesture Recognition with Wi-Fi
01:42 Q&A Session for the last 2 papers
Privacy - B
02:00 PMC: A Privacy-preserving Deep Learning Model Customization Framework for Edge Computing
02:06 PREFER: Point-of-interest REcommendation with efficiency and privacy-preservation via Federated Edge leaRning
02:12 Unravelling Spatial Privacy Risks of Mobile Mixed Reality Data
02:18 Q&A Session for the first 3 papers
02:30 Is Someone Listening? Audio Related Privacy Perceptions and Design Recommendations from Guardians, Pragmatists, and Cynics
02:36 Honeysuckle: Annotation-Guided Code Generation of In-App Privacy Notices
02:42 Who Am I? A Design Probe Exploring Real-Time Transparency About Online and Offline User Profiling Underlying Targeted Ads
02:48 Q&A Session for the last 3 papers
Tactile & Wearable Interfaces - B
02:00 ScraTouch: Extending Interaction Technique Using Fingernail on Unmodified Capacitive Touch Surfaces
02:06 Designing Interactions beyond Conscious Control: A New Model for Wearable Interfaces
02:12 QwertyRing: Text Entry on Physical Surfaces Using a Ring
02:18 Q&A Session for the first 3 papers
02:30 ShadowSense: Detecting Human Touch in a Social Robot Using Shadow Image Classification
02:36 Where Should I Look? Comparing Reference Frames for Spatial Tactile Cues
02:42 A Method to Manipulate Subjective Time by using Tactile Stimuli of Wearable Device
02:48 Q&A Session for the last 3 papers
Wearable Computing - B
02:00 MorphingCircuit: An Integrated Design, Simulation, and Fabrication Workflow for Self-morphing Electronics
02:06 11 Years with Wearables: Quantitative Analysis of Social Media, Academia, News Agencies, and Lead User Community from 2009-2020 on Wearable Technologies
02:12 FabHandWear : An End-to-End Pipeline from Design to Fabrication of Customized Functional HandWearables
02:18 Q&A Session for the first 3 papers
02:30 Delocalizing Strain in Interconnected Joints of On-Skin Interfaces
02:36 A 10-Year Review of the Methods and Purposes of On-Skin Interface Research in ACM SIGCHI
02:42 Q&A Session for the last 2 papers
Town Hall Meeting - Announcements
Panel: Past and future of wearables
Security & Authentication - C
08:00 Not Quite Yourself Today: Behaviour-Based Continuous Authentication in IoT Environments
08:06 Aquilis: Using Contextual Integrity for Privacy Protection on Mobile Devices
08:12 TouchID: User Authentication on Mobile Devices via Inertial-Touch Gesture Analysis
08:18 Q&A Session for the first 3 papers
08:30 Fine-Grained and Context-Aware Behavioral Biometrics for Pattern Lock on Smartphones
08:36 Every Byte Matters: Traffic Analysis of Bluetooth Wearable Devices
08:42 IriTrack: Face Presentation Attack Detection Using Iris Tracking
08:48 Q&A Session for the last 3 papers
Public Displays & AR/VR - C
08:00 BitLight: Turning DLP Projections into an Interactive Surface through Bit-level Light Encoding
08:06 To See or Not to See: Exploring Inattentional Blindness for the Design of Unobtrusive Interfaces in Shared Public Places
08:12 LSVP: Towards Effective On-the-go Video Learning Using Optical Head-Mounted Displays
08:18 Q&A Session for the first 3 papers
08:30 Orbuculum – Predicting When Users Intend to Leave Large Public Displays
08:36 Douleur: Creating Pain Sensation with Chemical Stimulant to Enhance User Experience in Virtual Reality
08:42 Inverse Foraging: Inferring Users’ Interest in Pervasive Displays
08:48 Q&A Session for the last 3 papers
Gesture Recognition - C
08:00 Real-time Arm Gesture Recognition in Smart Home Scenarios via Millimeter Wave Sensing
08:06 GAN-based Style Transformation to Improve Gesture-recognition Accuracy
08:12 CrossGR: Accurate and Low-cost Cross-target Gesture Recognition Using Wi-Fi
08:18 Q&A Session for the first 3 papers
08:30 A Feature Adaptive Learning Method for High-Density sEMG-Based Gesture Recognition
08:36 Towards Position-Independent Sensing for Gesture Recognition with Wi-Fi
08:42 Watching Your Phone’s Back: Gesture Recognition by Sensing Acoustical Structure-borne Propagation
08:48 Q&A Session for the last 3 papers
Privacy - C
09:00 PMC: A Privacy-preserving Deep Learning Model Customization Framework for Edge Computing
09:06 Where You Go Matters: A Study on the Privacy Implications of Continuous Location Tracking
09:12 PREFER: Point-of-interest REcommendation with efficiency and privacy-preservation via Federated Edge leaRning
09:18 Q&A Session for the first 3 papers
09:30 Unravelling Spatial Privacy Risks of Mobile Mixed Reality Data
09:36 EDEN: Enforcing Location Privacy through Re-identification Risk Assessment: A Federated Learning Approach
09:42 The Crowd Wisdom for Location Privacy of Crowdsensing Photos: Spear or Shield?
09:48 Q&A Session for the last 3 papers
Tactile & Wearable Interfaces - C
09:00 ScraTouch: Extending Interaction Technique Using Fingernail on Unmodified Capacitive Touch Surfaces
09:06 VibroMap: Understanding the Spacing of Vibrotactile Actuators across the Body
09:12 QwertyRing: Text Entry on Physical Surfaces Using a Ring
09:18 Q&A Session for the first 3 papers
09:30 Investigating the Effect of Sensory Concurrency on Learning Haptic Spatiotemporal Signals
09:36 User Expectations and Mental Models for Communicating Emotions through Compressive & Warm Affective Garment Actuation
09:42 A Method to Manipulate Subjective Time by using Tactile Stimuli of Wearable Device
09:48 Q&A Session for the last 3 papers
Wearable Computing - C
09:00 MorphingCircuit: An Integrated Design, Simulation, and Fabrication Workflow for Self-morphing Electronics
09:06 A Survey and Taxonomy of Electronics Toolkits for Interactive and Ubiquitous Device Prototyping
09:12 FabHandWear : An End-to-End Pipeline from Design to Fabrication of Customized Functional HandWearables
09:18 Q&A Session for the first 3 papers
09:30 Brainwear: towards multi-modal garment integrated EEG
09:36 Simulation of garment-embedded contact sensor performance under motion dynamics
09:42 Q&A Session for the last 2 papers
Design Exhibition
10:00 Solar Scarf: Expanding DIY educational content with an expressive wearable system
10:00 Masquare: a functional smart mask design for health monitoring
10:00 VäriWig: Interactive Coloring Wig Module
10:00 CJ-2050: Body Cooling Wearable Technology
10:00 User-Controlled Multi-Zone Jacket For Thermal Microclimate Regulation
10:00 Doki Doki: A Modular Wearable for Social Interaction in the COVID Era and Beyond
10:00 TheraTrousers: Reactive wearable for playful therapeutic self-empowerment
10:00 Dynamic, Discreet, Robotic Compression Garment for Real-Time Stress Assessment and Intervention
10:00 Design of a Hybrid SMA-Pneumatic based Wearable Upper Limb Exoskeleton
10:00 BLInG: Beads-Laden Interactive Garment
10:00 Development of an Aesthetic for a Stroke Rehabilitation System
10:00 Sensing Textures: Tactile Resistance
10:00 CalmWear: A Smart Tactile Sensory Stimulation Clothing
Social Activity: Mystery Game
Awards Ceremony
Localization and Motion Tracking - A
17:00 Acoustic Strength-based Motion Tracking
17:06 3D Point Cloud Generation with Millimeter-Wave Radar
17:12 Towards Finding the Optimum Position in the Visual Field for a Head Worn Display Used for Task Guidance with Non-registered Graphics
17:18 Q&A Session for the first 3 papers
17:30 TagFi: Locating Ultra-Low Power WiFi Tags Using Unmodified WiFi Infrastructure
17:36 ULoc: Low-Power, Scalable and cm-Accurate UWB-Tag Localization and Tracking for Indoor Applications
17:42 ISACS: In-Store Autonomous Checkout System for Retail
17:48 Q&A Session for the last 3 papers
Wearable Interaction - A
17:00 Wearable Computing Technology for Assessment of Cognitive Functioning of Bipolar Patients and Healthy Controls
17:06 DualRing: Enabling Subtle and Expressive Hand Interaction with Dual IMU Rings
17:12 Anti-Spoofing Voice Commands: A Generic Wireless Assisted Design
17:18 Q&A Session for the first 3 papers
17:30 OpiTrack: A Wearable-based Clinical Opioid Use Tracker with Temporal Convolutional Attention Networks
17:36 Exploiting the Slowness of Electrochromic Displays
17:42 Q&A Session for the last 2 papers
Health I - A
17:00 Person-Centered Predictions of Psychological Constructs with Social Media Contextualized by Multimodal Sensing
17:06 Leveraging Collaborative-Filtering for Personalized Behavior Modeling: A Case Study of Depression Detection among College Students
17:12 Detecting Receptivity for mHealth Interventions in the Natural Environment
17:18 Q&A Session for the first 3 papers
17:30 Exploration of Person-Independent BCIs for Internal and External Attention-Detection in Augmented Reality
17:36 Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Support: Comparison of Wrist-, Chest-, and Ear-Worn Devices and Estimation Algorithms
17:42 Detecting Freezing of Gait with Earables Trained from VR Motion Capture Data
17:48 Q&A Session for the last 3 papers
Wearable Devices & Sensing - A
18:00 IBSync: Intra-body Synchronization of Wearable Devices Using Artificial ECG Landmarks
18:06 HeatSight: Wearable Low-power Omni Thermal Sensing
18:12 Q&A Session for the first 2 papers
18:20 disp2ppg: Pulse Wave Generation to PPG Sensor using Display
18:26 Self-supervised Wearable-based Activity Recognition by Learning to Predict Cross-Dimensional Motion
18:32 Q&A Session for the last 2 papers
Speech & Auditory Interaction - A
18:00 Hello There! Is Now a Good Time to Talk?: Opportune Moments for Proactive Interactions with Smart Speakers
18:06 SoundLip: EnablingWord and Sentence-level Lip Interaction for Smart Devices
18:12 AmbientBreath: Unobtrusive Just-in-time Breathing Intervention Using Multi-sensory Stimulation and its Evaluation in a Car Simulator
18:18 Q&A Session for the first 3 papers
18:30 Learning When Agents Can Talk to Drivers using the INAGT Dataset and Multisensor Fusion
18:36 Sensing to Hear: Speech Enhancement for Mobile Devices Using Acoustic Signals
18:42 Audio Keyword Reconstruction from On-Device Motion Sensor Signals via Neural Frequency Unfolding
18:48 Q&A Session for the last 3 papers
Health II - A
18:00 ApneaDetector: Detecting Sleep Apnea with Smartwatches
18:06 GlucoMine: A Case for Improving the Use of Wearable Device Data in Diabetes Management
18:12 CardiacWave: A mmWave-based Scheme of Non-Contact and High-Definition Heart Activity Computing
18:18 Q&A Session for the first 3 papers
18:30 Captivates: A Smart Eyeglass Platform for Across-Context Physiological Measurement
18:36 ExpressEar: Sensing Fine-Grained Facial Expressions with Earables
18:42 Q&A Session for the last 2 papers
Town Hall Meeting - Announcements

Saturday, 9/25/2021

Time and date are based on your timezone settings (Europe/Berlin).
Industry Session
Localization and Motion Tracking - B
01:00 Teacher Tracking with Integrity: What Indoor Positioning Can Reveal About Instructional Proxemics
01:06 Peer-to-Peer Localization for Single-Antenna Devices
01:12 3D Point Cloud Generation with Millimeter-Wave Radar
01:18 Q&A Session for the first 3 papers
01:30 TagFi: Locating Ultra-Low Power WiFi Tags Using Unmodified WiFi Infrastructure
01:36 ULoc: Low-Power, Scalable and cm-Accurate UWB-Tag Localization and Tracking for Indoor Applications
01:42 Q&A Session for the last 2 papers
Wearable Interaction - B
01:00 Knitted Sensors: Designs and Novel Approaches for Real-Time, Real-World Sensing
01:06 MemX: An Attention-Aware Smart Eyewear System for Personalized Moment Auto-capture
01:12 Q&A Session for the first 2 papers
01:20 OpiTrack: A Wearable-based Clinical Opioid Use Tracker with Temporal Convolutional Attention Networks
01:26 Exploiting the Slowness of Electrochromic Displays
01:32 Q&A Session for the last 2 papers
Health I - B
01:00 User-Based Collaborative Filtering Mobile Health System
01:06 ViscoCam: Smartphone-based Drink Viscosity Control Assistant for Dysphagia Patients
01:12 WiPhone: Smartphone-based Respiration Monitoring Using Ambient Reflected WiFi Signals.
01:18 Q&A Session for the first 3 papers
01:30 Person-Centered Predictions of Psychological Constructs with Social Media Contextualized by Multimodal Sensing
01:36 Leveraging Collaborative-Filtering for Personalized Behavior Modeling: A Case Study of Depression Detection among College Students
01:42 Detecting Receptivity for mHealth Interventions in the Natural Environment
01:48 Q&A Session for the last 3 papers
Wearable Devices & Sensing - B
02:00 IBSync: Intra-body Synchronization of Wearable Devices Using Artificial ECG Landmarks
02:06 HeatSight: Wearable Low-power Omni Thermal Sensing
02:12 Q&A Session for the first 2 papers
02:20 disp2ppg: Pulse Wave Generation to PPG Sensor using Display
02:26 Self-supervised Wearable-based Activity Recognition by Learning to Predict Cross-Dimensional Motion
02:32 Q&A Session for the last 2 papers
Speech & Auditory Interaction - B
02:00 Endophasia: Utilizing Acoustic-Based Imaging for Issuing Contact-Free Silent Speech Commands
02:06 AmbientBreath: Unobtrusive Just-in-time Breathing Intervention Using Multi-sensory Stimulation and its Evaluation in a Car Simulator
02:12 Learning When Agents Can Talk to Drivers using the INAGT Dataset and Multisensor Fusion
02:18 Q&A Session for the first 3 papers
02:30 Audio Keyword Reconstruction from On-Device Motion Sensor Signals via Neural Frequency Unfolding
02:36 Demystifying the Vetting Process of Voice-controlled Skills on Markets
02:42 Q&A Session for the last 2 papers
Health II - B
02:00 SmileAuth: Using Dental Edge Biometrics for User Authentication on Smartphones
02:06 VerHealth: Vetting Medical Voice Applications through Policy Enforcement
02:12 Q&A Session for the first 2 papers
02:20 ApneaDetector: Detecting Sleep Apnea with Smartwatches
02:26 CardiacWave: A mmWave-based Scheme of Non-Contact and High-Definition Heart Activity Computing
02:32 Q&A Session for the last 2 papers
N2Women Event
Localization and Motion Tracking - C
08:00 Teacher Tracking with Integrity: What Indoor Positioning Can Reveal About Instructional Proxemics
08:06 Peer-to-Peer Localization for Single-Antenna Devices
08:12 Acoustic Strength-based Motion Tracking
08:18 Q&A Session for the first 3 papers
08:30 Towards Finding the Optimum Position in the Visual Field for a Head Worn Display Used for Task Guidance with Non-registered Graphics
08:36 ISACS: In-Store Autonomous Checkout System for Retail
08:42 Q&A Session for the last 2 papers
Wearable Interaction - C
08:00 Wearable Computing Technology for Assessment of Cognitive Functioning of Bipolar Patients and Healthy Controls
08:06 Knitted Sensors: Designs and Novel Approaches for Real-Time, Real-World Sensing
08:12 MemX: An Attention-Aware Smart Eyewear System for Personalized Moment Auto-capture
08:18 Q&A Session for the first 3 papers
08:30 DualRing: Enabling Subtle and Expressive Hand Interaction with Dual IMU Rings
08:36 Anti-Spoofing Voice Commands: A Generic Wireless Assisted Design
08:42 Q&A Session for the last 2 papers
Health I - C
08:00 User-Based Collaborative Filtering Mobile Health System
08:06 ViscoCam: Smartphone-based Drink Viscosity Control Assistant for Dysphagia Patients
08:12 WiPhone: Smartphone-based Respiration Monitoring Using Ambient Reflected WiFi Signals.
08:18 Q&A Session for the first 3 papers
08:30 Exploration of Person-Independent BCIs for Internal and External Attention-Detection in Augmented Reality
08:36 Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Support: Comparison of Wrist-, Chest-, and Ear-Worn Devices and Estimation Algorithms
08:42 Detecting Freezing of Gait with Earables Trained from VR Motion Capture Data
08:48 Q&A Session for the last 3 papers
W2: EarComp
Speech & Auditory Interaction - C
09:00 Endophasia: Utilizing Acoustic-Based Imaging for Issuing Contact-Free Silent Speech Commands
09:06 Hello There! Is Now a Good Time to Talk?: Opportune Moments for Proactive Interactions with Smart Speakers
09:12 SoundLip: EnablingWord and Sentence-level Lip Interaction for Smart Devices
09:18 Q&A Session for the first 3 papers
09:30 Sensing to Hear: Speech Enhancement for Mobile Devices Using Acoustic Signals
09:36 Demystifying the Vetting Process of Voice-controlled Skills on Markets
09:42 Q&A Session for the last 2 papers
Health II - C
09:00 SmileAuth: Using Dental Edge Biometrics for User Authentication on Smartphones
09:06 VerHealth: Vetting Medical Voice Applications through Policy Enforcement
09:12 GlucoMine: A Case for Improving the Use of Wearable Device Data in Diabetes Management
09:18 Q&A Session for the first 3 papers
09:30 Captivates: A Smart Eyeglass Platform for Across-Context Physiological Measurement
09:36 ExpressEar: Sensing Fine-Grained Facial Expressions with Earables
09:42 Q&A Session for the last 2 papers
Student Challenge
W8: SensiBend
Doctoral Colloquium
T2: Wearable Technology Design and Accessibility Considerations
W7: Eyewear 2021
W8: SensiBend

Sunday, 9/26/2021

Time and date are based on your timezone settings (Europe/Berlin).
W1: WellComp
W4: Making Sense of Emotion Sensing
T1: Deep Learning for Human Activity Recognition
W3: Mental Health and Well-Being
W9: Wild by Design
T1: Deep Learning for Human Activity Recognition

Monday, 9/27/2021

Time and date are based on your timezone settings (Europe/Berlin).
W11: CPD
W11: CPD