19:00 Ubicomp Poster 01: Toward Speech Articulation Detection through Smartphone
19:00 Ubicomp Poster 02: Challenges and Opportunities in Developing Systems to Assist Patients in Recovering from Gambling Addiction
19:00 Ubicomp Poster 03: Sonic Straws: A beverage-based playful gustosonic system
19:00 Ubicomp Poster 04: I‘m Interested, but Can/Would Only Skim It: Studying Smartphone Users‘s Receptivity to News Notifications
19:00 Ubicomp Poster 05: Adaptor: A Real-time Module for a Conversational Agent to Adapt Policy Based on Negative User Behavior
19:00 Ubicomp Poster 06: Estimating Patient Independence with Sleep Sensors
19:00 Ubicomp Poster 07: AC-WGAN-GP: Augmenting ECG and GSR Signals using Conditional Generative Models for Arousal Classification
19:00 Ubicomp Poster 08: AutoPCD: Learning-Augmented Indoor Point Cloud Completion
19:00 Ubicomp Poster 09: ViSAR: A Mobile Platform for Vision-Integrated Millimeter-Wave Synthetic Aperture Radar
19:00 Ubicomp Poster 10: MilliPose: Facilitating Full Body Silhouette Imaging from Millimeter-Wave Device
19:00 Ubicomp Poster 11: On the Performance Impact of Poisoning Attacks on Load Forecasting in Federated Learning
19:00 Ubicomp Poster 12: Detecting Single-Hand Riding with Integrated Accelerometer and Gyroscope of Smartphone
19:00 Ubicomp Poster 13: Toward Context-aware Proactive Conversation for Smart Speakers
19:00 Ubicomp Poster 14: Opportune Moments for the Multi-Stage Notification Responding Process: A Preliminary Investigation
19:00 Ubicomp Poster 15: AudioMomento: Promoting Everyday Emotional Wellness via an Audio Journaling Book
19:00 Ubicomp Poster 16: Confidence Estimation via Wrist Movement
19:00 Ubicomp Poster 17: Occurrence and Triggers of Mobile News Exposure: A Screenshot-Based ESM Study
19:00 Ubicomp Poster 18: Killing-Time Detection from Smartphone Screenshots
19:00 Ubicomp Poster 19: On the Predictability of Parking Preferences
19:00 Ubicomp Poster 20: IoT Nudge: IoT data-driven Nudging for Health Behavior Change
19:00 Ubicomp Poster 21: HeadSense: A Head Movement Detecting System for Micro-Mobility Riders
19:00 Ubicomp Poster 22: Exploring User Contexts and Needs for Context-aware Smartphone Distraction Management
19:00 Ubicomp Poster 23: Air Quality Sensor Network Data Acquisition, Cleaning, Visualization, and Analytics: A Real-world IoT Use Case
19:00 Ubicomp Poster 24: Experience Sampling Tool for Repetitive Skills Training in Sports using Voice User Interface
19:00 Ubicomp Poster 25: Using Interaction as Nudge to Increase Installation Rate of COVID-19 Contact-Confirming Application
19:00 Ubicomp Poster 26: Augmented Reality with Industrial Process Tomography: To Support Complex Data Analysis in 3D Space
19:00 Ubicomp Poster 27: Effects of Intervening Backwards from Goals to Improve Sleep Habits
19:00 Ubicomp Poster 28: A Participatory Workshop towards Designing Vibrothermal Haptics of a Smart Fidget Surface for Remote Workers
19:00 Ubicomp Poster 29: Activity Simulation from Signals
19:00 Ubicomp Demo 01: Chewpin: a wearable acoustic device for chewing detection
19:00 Ubicomp Demo 02: Package Delivery Using Autonomous Drones in Skyways
19:00 Ubicomp Demo 03: SmartCamera: Real-time Video Stream-Oriented Action Recognition Platform in Edge Environment
19:00 Ubicomp Demo 04: Vision-based Scene Analysis toward Dangerous Cycling Behavior Detection Using Smartphones
19:00 Ubicomp Demo 05: emteqPRO: Face-mounted Mask for Emotion Recognition and Affective Computing
19:00 Ubicomp Demo 06: On the Potential of large-scale Extended Reality Interaction for Industrial Environments
19:00 Ubicomp Demo 07: TechLifeProbe: A Technology Prototype to Probe How Data Sharing With Adolescents' Parents Improves Their Technology Abuse Through Mobile Phones
19:00 Ubicomp Demo 08: DillyDally: Overcome Your Procrastination via Social Network
19:00 Ubicomp Demo 09: Capacitive Sensing Based On-board Hand Gesture Recognition with TinyML
19:00 ISWC Poster 01: Typing on Tap: Estimating a Finger-Worn One-Handed Chording Keyboard's Text Entry Rate
19:00 ISWC Poster 02: MOTUS: Rendering Emotions with a Wrist-worn Tactile Display
19:00 ISWC Poster 03: Wearability and Comfort of Earables During Sleep
19:00 ISWC Poster 04: WeakCounter: Acceleration-based Repetition Counting of Actions with Weakly Supervised Learning
19:00 ISWC Poster 05: Towards Automated Fatigue Assessment using Wearable Sensing and Mixed-Effects Models
19:00 ISWC Poster 06: Feedback of head gestures in audio-haptic remote communication
19:00 ISWC Poster 07: Estimating Upper Arm sEMG from Wrist PPG
19:00 ISWC Poster 08: RFInsole: Batteryless Gait-Monitoring Smart Insole Based on Passive RFID Tags
19:00 ISWC Poster 09: VIDENS: Vision-based User Identification from Inertial Sensors
19:00 ISWC Poster 10: A Transformer Architecture for Stress Detection from ECG
19:00 ISWC Poster 11: Person-identification Method using Active Acoustic Sensing Applied to Nose